
chemicals to unclog a toilet

What can you Pour Down a Toilet to Unclog it?

Most of us have experienced that horrible feeling when you flush your toilet and instead of it flushing nicely, it gets clogged.

Sometimes it can also cause flooding, which only adds to our frustration, because then we have to either call a plumber or unclog the toilet ourselves and clean the entire toilet, because of all the mess that had happened.

When we do not have money for a plumber, we tend to try to resolve this issue alone, and the most common way to do it is to unclog the toilet drain with a plunger tool or some drain snake.

But, since it requires some time and things tend to get messy when this type of work is done, first we usually try to unclog the toilet by pouring certain materials into it and hope that it will work out nicely.

Well, we are here today to teach you what you could pour down a toilet in order to unclog it, what are the most common household items you could use for this and if that doesn’t do the trick, what is the best chemical alternative to the homemade remedies.

So, stick with us and let us begin!

How-to-Unclog a Toilet with Baking Soda

5 Chemicals that Break Down Poop | Unclog Toilet

If you have ever experienced that unpleasant moment when your toilet gets clogged because of hard poop, then you know the pain of dealing with it.

This problem can cause some very annoying and extremely unpleasant situations. Clogged toilet tends to even cause flooding in your bathroom, which could be very bad if you don’t work a lot or if you have a very big bathroom, so it would take you a long time to clean everything by yourself.

Apart from that, of course, there is one more downside to this entire situation, and that is the fact that if you didn’t manage to fix the problem alone, you would have to call a plumber, and that, of course, requires a lot of money if the flooding problem is huge.

However, don’t be afraid just yet, there is still hope for you. Luckily, you could fix this problem yourself, by either using some very simple tools used for unblocking the drains, such as a plunger or a drain snake.

But, if you prefer not to do all the physical work required, or if you simply don’t have enough time to do it, you can try a couple of other solutions we will list below.
So, strap in and let’s get on with this list, shall we?


Unclog Drain with Baking Soda and Salt

Cleaning blocked pipes really is quite a nasty job. But you cannot just leave it be, as it can easily turn into a disaster.

You have tried many chemicals, but still, it seems like something’s missing. You somehow want to avoid calling the plumber, but are not actually sure what to do.

Then you start looking for some DIY solutions and suddenly you find out that you can actually use some ingredients that you never believe could work with this. For example, some people claim you can unclog drain with baking soda and salt.

Perhaps the initial impression may be scepticism, but still, curiosity seems to be stepping in and you decide to investigate a bit on this interesting suggestion. For that reason, I did a brief research and here’s what I discovered!


Clogged Drain Home Remedy: 5 Ways to DIY

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were having a nice warm shower and then your tub drain got jammed and dirty water didn’t go away?

Or when you had a lot of dishes to do, but you just couldn’t because the sink drain was clogged?

Yes, all of this can sometimes be very frustrating, because you would have to spend the money on repairs instead spending it on something far more enjoyable.

Well, fear not! We are here to present you some of the ways, which you can personally use to deal with a clogged drain.

Toilet Flushes Slowly and Incompletely

How to Increase Toilet Flush Pressure

Maybe you and your family are already used to the fact that it takes more than one flush for you to leave the toilet, but you can’t fail to notice how uncomfortable your guests feel after spending a long time of period in the toilet and wondering if it’s their mistake that the toilet tank is not working.

It is even worse if you are still not used to it and just can’t come round to the fact that your toilet flush pressure is weaker than your nerves when it comes to this issue.

No matter which case it is, we all know how frustrating it can be, especially if we don’t do something about it. Instead of hiring an expert to solve this problem, you can become one yourself and fix the toilet flush pressure in no time. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it.


Does WD-40 Clean Toilets? (And Other Uses)

Are you fed up with searching for so many products which are able to clean even the dirtiest areas? How often have you wasted your time, trying to thoroughly scrub all the dirt with no good effects?

Rest easy, because this product will save your life! With this, you won’t need a cleaning expert because this product will do it for you in seconds.

There are so many people who, when cleaning, wish for a saint to answer their call, but this product is much more effective and so easy to use.

I bet you’ve heard of WD-40. I also bet you’ve never imagined that this small trick could work or that it can transform your toilet and do wonders.

We will tackle the problem in no time, but, first, let us talk about why these stains appear in the first place and other purposes that this product is so good at.

Can I Use Liquid Plumr in my Toilet

Can I Use Liquid Plumr in My Toilet?

You were probably sitting comfortably in your living room, having a peaceful moment while reading newspapers or enjoying your cup of coffee, when suddenly one of your kids started yelling “Flood! Flood!” and that’s how your peaceful moment was broken.

Many can relate to this story, no matter whether it’s been your kids, your wife or yourself that discovered that the toilet is clogged and the water is coming back up. In such a rush all you can think about is those chemicals that you always have in hand but use only in this kind of situation.

The only problem is you’ve never used them to unclog the toilet, well at least you haven’t used the Liquid Plumr, the one that almost every household has these days. If you are looking for a way to unclog your toilet, bear in mind one thing: do not use the Liquid Plumr!

But don’t be in despair, as we are about to explain why it isn’t recommended to use the Liquid Plumr to unclog your toilet and also introduce you to an easy way to fix the problem you are facing.

How to Dissolve Poop Stuck in the Toilet

How to Dissolve Poop Stuck in the Toilet

Yes, it can be difficult with poop stuck in a toilet, and also it can be embarrassing to even ask about it. Luckily with the age of the Internet, we do not need to ask anyone out loud. Just type in few words in Google and the answer will arise.

Today, I will speak about this unspoken, yet common problem for almost every person. Read this carefully because otherwise you could damage or break the pipes and make the whole situation even more uncomfortable.

If you went somewhere as a guest and had to poop, after which your poop had been stuck, you need to act quickly. Thus I will suggest a couple of emergency methods that work rapidly.

Yet, if the fast ones do not help, you should check slower methods below. In some cases, it is better to admit what happened and work slowly, than breaking into tears after you have flooded your cousin’s/neighbour’s/friend’s bathroom.

chemicals to unclog a toilet

Chemicals to Unclog a Toilet: Which are the Best?

As toilet unclogging certainly is not the most pleasant duty we have to finish, we want it to be as easier and quicker as possible. If the problem seems to be a stubborn one, we cannot make it disappear in a few minutes. What we need are the right chemicals to unclog a toilet.

There are many products available, each of them offering a solution to this nasty problem. But how can we be sure that we will pick the right one?

When choosing a product, pay attention to its ingredients. Make sure you chose as little hazardous as possible because your health matters more in the first place. Moreover, an eco-friendly product will be less harmful to the environment.

Without further ado, we compiled this list to make your choice easier.

slow flushing toilet with vinegar

How to Unblock a Slow Flushing Toilet with Vinegar

Let’s be honest, this chore is not something that thrills you, but still, it has to be done. Once you start looking for solutions, you will find numerous answers. A sigh of relief here! Most of them do the job, and sometimes quick and simple fixes just do work.

What to do when the toilet won’t flush as fast as it should? Is there anything you can do quickly to solve it? What about home remedies that could help? Do you need to call a plumber immediately or there’s something that you can do to solve the issue? Let’s find out!