Kitchen Sink Smells Bad When Water Runs

How to Get Rid of Garbage Disposal Odor

Have you ever experienced any bad smells in the kitchen? If so, then you know the struggle of preparing food while something reeks in the background.

Well, there are lots of reasons why your kitchen might smell bad, and one of those reasons surely comes from a kitchen sink.

Now, like any other sink in the house, the kitchen sink is frequently used every single day. Therefore, you should definitely keep it cleaned and take good care of it.

But, what happens when your kitchen sink starts smelling bad? Why does the sink smell? How can you get rid of it? Well, the most common reason why kitchen sink smells is that it got clogged.

Anyhow, let’s see how did this happen and how to get rid of it. Let’s start.

How to Clean Garbage Disposal Trap


Notice an uncomfortable smell in the kitchen?

You checked the fridge but it’s not coming from there? It’s not coming from the trashcan either?

The source of the stench is probably coming from the garbage disposal because of leftover food from before who knows when. Another sign that your garbage disposal is stuck is when you see water overflowing and not going away, even though it should.

Theoretically speaking, these machines are supposed to be self-cleaning, but over time food particles can catch on to parts they’re not supposed to. This always happens at homes that have a garbage disposal so calm down and let’s take it step by step, by looking at numerous ways for cleaning a garbage disposal trap.

Can You Put Drain Cleaner in a Garbage Disposal?


From time to time we all have that moment. It simply slips from our minds that somewhere in the fridge we have a plate full of something. Something that used to be edible food, but the more time goes by, the more it turns into something alien-like.

Well, the THING won’t disintegrate itself, it’s up to YOU to do something. What is the best way to get rid of it? Garbage disposal, of course!

But, if the nasty things make the disposal dirty, greasy or clogged – how do you clean it? Can you put drain cleaner in a garbage disposal?

Here’s the chance to find out what is the safest and smartest way to maintain the cleanliness and overall hygiene of the drain at some desirable level.

We shall share the most common dos and don’ts with you so that you know what is and what is not advisable to do when it comes to cleaning the drain. If you take care of it properly, you will prevent not only clogging but those unpleasant smells as well.

Water Smells Like Sulfur and Rotten Eggs: Problem, Cause & Solution


If you have started noticing that the water coming out of your tap has a really bad odor, similar to rotten eggs, it’s very likely that you are facing an increase of hydrogen sulfide in your water supply.

But don’t panic, this is actually a very common problem in households, especially if your water source is a well or some other still supply.

Although it’s not necessarily dangerous for your water to have this rotten smell, it does indicate that there is probably a high level of pollution and chemicals involved.

Surprisingly, in the U.S. there have been over 316 contaminants found in water reservoirs, so it’s very important to identify the source of the smell in order to ensure safe and clean drinking water.

You will be pleased to hear that this problem is usually very easy to fix on your own, and that you won’t have to call a professional and spend a lot of money on fixing it.

How to Unclog a Garbage Disposal with Baking Soda

baking soda

When everything in your household is functioning smoothly you do not even think of how big of a nuisance household issues may be. Broken down appliances, cleaning stains and clogged drains, anyone?

Fixing some of those issues is beyond our power and we may need to call a professional to help or purchase new items and so on. However, there are some things that you can do yourself, especially if you are into DIY projects.

Unclogging a backed up garbage disposal drain or a sink drain is usually one of those things that you can safely and easily do yourself with just a few ingredients which you, chances are, already have in your kitchen.

If not, you definitely should get your hands on those ingredients as they are helpful for many things around the household due to their attributes.

What are the Best Garbage Disposal Cleaning Products?


Having a garbage disposal in your kitchen is very useful, especially when you have to wash a lot of dishes and you don’t want to waste time or throw all of your food in a garbage can. Good garbage disposal will get rid of any food residue quickly and smoothly.

Even though they’re very useful, these disposals can get clogged very easily, especially if you don’t follow the rules about the food that’s allowed to get inside the disposal. The food that’s not biodegradable, rice, pasta and other food that becomes bigger from water can clog the drain very quickly.

A clogged drain can cause various inconveniences. It can create a mess and make the dishwashing slower. It can also cause bad smell of the drain and in the kitchen, and no one wants that!

Cleaning the disposal from time to time even when it’s not clogged is always useful because it will prevent these accidents in the future and make your cleaning faster and easier. That’s why I clean it once a month.

How To Deodorize Garbage Disposal


You have to agree that garbage disposal is one of the most useful things to have in your kitchen. It comes in handy when you need to get rid of the waste, and it’s really practical to use. However, it’s no fun when it gets clogged.

Food and grease residue, as well as large objects that get stuck inside the disposal, can cause a mess and bad smells that can spread across your kitchen and eventually whole home. Bad odors caused by the food mold inside the disposal can be difficult to eliminate.

Clogged Drain Home Remedy: 5 Ways to DIY


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were having a nice warm shower and then your tub drain got jammed and dirty water didn’t go away?

Or when you had a lot of dishes to do, but you just couldn’t because the sink drain was clogged?

Yes, all of this can sometimes be very frustrating, because you would have to spend the money on repairs instead spending it on something far more enjoyable.

Well, fear not! We are here to present you some of the ways, which you can personally use to deal with a clogged drain.

How to Clear a Clogged Kitchen Sink with Disposal

Clogged Kitchen Sink with Disposal

Ever come across a jammed kitchen sink drain whereas having an awaiting pile of tableware smeared with food remains? The mere sight of wastewater backing up, let alone the repugnant smell it emits, can really freak one out!

Calm down! I know that you’re having your wires crossed about how to deal with this predicament while leaning against the brim of the sink but check out a couple of easy-to-make mixtures and easy-to-use tools that may literally wash away your problem! But first – remove the standing water!

How to Unclog a Garbage Disposal with a Plunger


A clogged garbage disposal is on top of the list of reasons why people call a handyman since many of us simply can’t bother with unclogging it ourselves.

The thought of having to disassemble the pipes in order to clean the garbage disposal of the garbage can be really stressful! Moreover, using chemicals to unclog it simply isn’t an option.

Garbage disposal is different from the sink, and these chemicals can eat away some of the plastic components of your garbage disposal.

Therefore, the best and the cheapest way to unclog your garbage disposal is the most obvious and the simplest one. You’ll need only a plunger, and maybe a couple of long-handled tongs or pliers.

The process itself is very easy, and you can follow it step-by-step with our instructions.