Do Gas Pipes Need To Be Sleeved?

Multiple commercial Gas meters

Gas pipes need to be sleeved as it is a general plumbing requirement implemented by the government. It is also necessary to sleeve a pipe to protect the pipes from corrosion and fire. What are … continue reading

How Do You Insulate Around A Gas Pipe?

Worker's hand fix a rent in wall using polyurethane foam

There are lots of ways you can insulate around a gas pipe. For instance, fiberglass insulation, spray polyurethane foam, tubular rubber insulation, or tubular polyethylene foam. Therefore, you can choose to work with a technique … continue reading

Can Gas Lines Run Under A House?

Several gas meters located on the wall of a residential building

Neither chimneys nor ducts can be used to run gas piping. Unless there is an exception, most appliances need to have shut-off valves nearby. The majority of municipalities do not permit gas piping to be … continue reading

What Happens When a Gas Regulator Fails?

Gas pressure regulator with manometer, isolated with clipping pa

Despite careful installation and maintenance, some gas regulators still fail. A malfunctioning gas regulator safety valve on your gas regulator could not detect a burning heating system and, thus, allow gas to escape rather than … continue reading

Can I Run My Gas Line?

Gas Pipe

Running a gas line can sound daunting and for those unsure whether they can install a gas line. Can you? You can not run your gas line as it is a risky task. However, if … continue reading