Why is Sand Coming Out of Faucet? (Explained)

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Turn on the tap and sand comes out. What’s going on?

The sand coming out of the faucet may have gotten into the water conduit during a repair. But, in some cases, the inside of the pipe tends to erode when faucets are plumbed using inferior plumbing materials like galvanized iron, causing sediment similar to sand to be discharged from the faucet.

What is Sediment in Water?

Sediments are particles that occur naturally and are developed when universe materials break down through weathering and erosion. Sediment may be composed of rocks, sand, and minerals. They may also consist of natural particles of microbes and plants.

Suspended solids are sediments that cannot settle on the base of a container and appear as cloudiness or color in water in a well. Dissolved solids sediment appears from clean well water following exposure to air.

Sediment Effects.

The quality of water can be affected by sediment in different ways. Apart from the unattractive look, water-sediment can also result in wear in plumbing, water appliances, and pumps. They can also create blocks all over the water system hence reducing the water flow.

Also, pathogens and pollutants that can couple themselves to particles of sediment that enter your supply of water pose health dangers in your drinking water. The possible health pollutants may include a virus, bacteria and protozoa, pesticides, fertilizers, and metals such as mercury, arsenic, and lead.

How Sediment Can Enter your Water Supply

Sediment can get introduced into your supply of water from several sources:

  • Sediment may pile up at the base of an older well or well drilled in loose ground. These sediments may end up being pumped into your water system.
  • Sediment can remain on wells that were newly drilled. It may take around 30 days after drilling a well for water to be used every day prior to well settling and sediment gone.
  • Well, degraded or damaged constituents can create passages that can allow sediments to enter your well. These components may include screens, seals, and casing.
  • Raw materials, including sulfur bacteria and iron, may accumulate on well constituents and fixtures.
  • Minerals dissolved in your water may precipitate out and develop into a pale scale or brown that stains on your appliances.

Why am I Getting Sand in My Water?

There are several reasons that can lead to sand appearing in your water. Some of them are:

Construction of Wells

Water wells are usually filled with gravel when they are being constructed. Choosing the perfect size of gravel is essential. The gravel pack works as a filter for sand, so choosing the wrong size of gravel may lead to sand entering the water.

This issue can be solved by adding a system of filtration or changing the pump depth setting. When the sand is too much, it is advisable to replace your well.

Less Air in Your Pressure Tank.

Having less air in your pressure tank can cause it to be waterlogged.

The part called the bladder in the modern pressure tanks can rapture, causing excess water in your pressure tank. The excess water in your tank leads to short cycling in your tank and, after that, causes vibrations that shake the sand into your water.

The only remedy to this is to change your pressure tank.

Worn Out Pump Bearings

Your pump may cause the sand to enter your water if it is not running steadily and is vibrating. Bearings that are worn are the main cause of vibrations in pumps, and such issues can be solved by changing the pump.

The Drop Pipe Having a Hole

During the process of pumping water and the pipe has a hole, water can flow through these perforations and shake up sand. Water jetting like this will result in separation in the packs of gravel, which may also cause sand to enter into the water. Replacing the pipe with holes would be the solution.

How Do You Get Sand Out of a Water Pipe?

Most of the time, completely turning your water on, whether cold or hot, leads to sand being flushed out. However, to ensure that this works, you should be cognizant of the microscale filters in certain faucets. By carefully unscrewing this, by using a thick rag, players will allow water to flow freely, and the sand would be discharged.

The simple way of determining sediment formation is by opening up a faucet close to the main source. You can backflush cold water over your pipes containing hot water to clean out residue and improve your water flow. Here are some of the tips you can use to clean sediment from your water line:

By Flushing It Off.

  • First, Empty your Tank. You should open all faucets containing cold water and if you have a bigger tank, try keeping it running for up to 20 minutes.
  • Check the Pressure of Water in your Home. The pressure of your water will start increasing as sediments come out.
  • Keep Running the Faucets at Optimum Capacity Keeping the Pump Off.

Replacing the Pipes.

In the case of chunky sediments such as rusts, they may not come out due to pressure, and you need to follow these steps:

  • Open all the cold-water faucets near the source. The pressure is higher there, and the lighter sediments will get out, if not the rusts.
  • Close the faucets once you’ve emptied the water tank to avoid air pressure of any kind.
  • Replace the old PVC pipes with new ones since they have small chances of forming rust and small leaking chances.

Using Productive Chemicals.

  • Before exposing your hands to the chemical, you should first wear protective gloves. Then fill your sink with water leaving enough space for submerging the bottle.
  • Using a stopper, block the overflow and firmly hold the bottle. This way, water will slowly mix with the chemical.
  • Give it about ten minutes so it can completely mix with water. This chemical has the ability to cut very hard sediments such as limestone and rust.
  • After it is done, you can go ahead and open the faucets at a very high rate to force rust to get out at a higher pressure after they are broken.

Is Sediment in Water Harmful?

According to a document from the Kansas Department of Health and Enviornment, “It is not advisable to drink water containing sediment, even though it may not be unhealthy. Children, infants, and people with compromised systems of immunity are advised to avoid consuming sedimented water”

Also, avoid using water with sediment in washing your clothes as minerals in it can cause permanent stains.

You can use this water in flushing your toilets or other uses apart from drinking. It is advisable not to use hot water until pipes have fully cleared. You could shorten your hot water tank if you add sediment to it. Your equipment and plumbing appliances can be damaged by sand, suspended solids, silt, or other sediments. They can also affect water clarity, odor, and taste.


The observable appearance of well water can give an indication of a possible problem. Cloudiness or color may indicate that suspended solids are present in water.

Shallow wells, wells near the surface, and wells with their casings damaged can contain suspended pollutants. However, you may not detect suspended pollutants by using just your eyes.

It is advisable to examine a new well to determine potential contamination. You should immediately avoid cooking or drinking the water if there is any idea of contamination, like taste, odor, or illness. Until examination has proven the source of water to be safe, you should not start using it. Visit a medical practitioner for advice in case you have issues concerning your health.