

How Does a Dual Flush Toilet Work?

The invention of High-Efficiency Toilets made a big difference in water consumption lowering. Instead of old toilets which used to flush 5 gallons of water each time, modern toilets use up to four times less water per flush.

This is very important since in some countries toilet water available for use is limited for each household, and by adding the Dual Flush toilet system, water consumption can be significantly improved in terms of using just enough amount of water per each flush.

On the other hand, if your country has overtaxed water usage or you simply want to spend much less water on toilet duties, this system is the best way of doing so.

The Dual Flush toilets are convenient in more ways than one, and even reduce the chance of your toilet getting clogged.

Toilet Flushes Slow but Not Clogged

How Much Water Does It Take To Flush A Toilet?

Nowadays, most people take water consumption very lightly. But, as we are growing in numbers, over time there were some changes made to minimalize the amount of water we are spending unnecessarily.

Particularly, in this case, the question of toilet water usage by flushing is the point of discussion. So, have you ever wondered how much water is needed for a single flush of your toilet and how much does it cost you?

Is it necessary for us to try to prevent water waste, or is it convenient to just flush our toilet as many times as possible, no matter if it is needed or not?


Toilet Bowl Not Filling with Water after Flush: Why and How to Fix

The toilet can be a quite tricky thing to fix on your own, and many of us wouldn’t even try. The reason why is because the issues with toilets are usually complicated. You would need sufficient knowledge and tools for fixing it.

But, I have good news for you. If your toilet bowl doesn’t fill up with water after flushing, you are kind of in luck! I said kind of because firstly you’ll need to determine whether the pipes are the problem or not. If they’re not, you’ll be happy to know this issue is a very easy fix.

You’ll need minimal tools, and a set of instructions I will provide you within this article.

Before we start breaking down the reasons why this happens, and how you can fix it, the first thing you need to do is to turn off your water supply! This is essential for every plumbing job you may every need to do in your home.

Best Drain Cleaner for Toilet

Best Drain Cleaner for Toilet: Reviews and Buying Guide

The toilet is the most commonly used fixture in every household, and when it gets clogged, it can be very frustrating. It is also quite unpleasant to clean up.

Now if you are like most people and are repulsed by such things, then the best thing for you to do is to invest in a good quality drain cleaner. For toilet clogs, the best cleaners are the acidic types. This is because they contain high concentrations of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, which can be able to get rid of almost any type of clog you may have.

In this review, I shall help you identify the best cleaner for your toilet, and also the one that will keep your toilet clog free. It is actually possible to not have a clogged toilet as often as you do, but it will mean using these drain cleaners frequently, preferably every month.


What is a Plumbing Stack? How to Fix a Clogged Vent Pipe?

Plumbing stack or plumbing vent is a quintessential part of your home plumbing system, and you may not even be aware of it.
A vent? An air vent essential for the plumbing system? Yes, you read right.
If you’ve encountered gurgling sounds coming from after you flush your toilet, or you can smell strong, pungent odors in your bathroom or kitchen, you may need to check your plumbing stack.


How to Eliminate Sewer Odor (Bathroom, Toilet, Sink)

Encountering unpleasant odors anywhere inside your house can mess up your whole day. That’s why the first thing you need to do is to figure out where does the bad smell comes from.

In most cases, people come across strange and unpleasant odors inside their bathrooms, but, it doesn’t have to mean that that’s the only place where bad smells appear. Usually, this unpleasant smell is a sewer odor that came into your house through the plumbing system.

Since sewer odor is unbearable, it is always a good thing to find the cause and eliminate the odor as soon as possible. And, we are here to explain to you how to do that. So, let’s begin.


Toilet Bubbles when Tub Drains: Causes and Fixes

Having a fully functional plumbing system is one of the top priorities in every household.

But, when a problem occurs that relates to plumbing, most of us actually don’t have a clue what happens or how to deal with it.

That is exactly the case when your toilet bubbles when the tub drains. Now, this is not a common problem, but it is definitely a serious one.

In that light, let’s see everything that you need to know about this problem, and how to find a solution.

Best Drain Cleaner for Toilet

Toilet Gurgles When Washing Machine Drains: Causes and Fixes

A gurgling toilet indicates that there’s something wrong with your drain system.

This means that there’s a pressure difference in your toilet waste line that is sending air directly into your toilet bowl, and, that’s why it gurgles.

But, it doesn’t have to mean that your toilet waste line is malfunctioning. In some households, the toilet drain system is connected to the washing machine drain system.

And, there might be a pressure difference in the drain system, which means that your toilet waste line is functioning properly.

In that case, you should definitely act on this problem and have it fixed as soon as possible. This can create numerous hygiene issues if it progresses.

So, let’s see how this happens and what can you do in order to fix it.

Toilet Bubbles When Flushed: How to Fix It?

A fully functioning toilet is definitely a top priority in any house. As we could all agree, toilets are basically the most-used appliance in any household. That’s why our toilets need to run smoothly and without any complications.

However, even the most energy-efficient and modern toilets suffer from basically the same problem as any other toilets – water leakage.

So, what exactly happens to the toilet bowl when you flush it and see toilet bubbles? Let’s find out.