How to Unclog a Kitchen Sink with Standing Water

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No matter how often you eat at home, you should be aware of the fact that eventually, your kitchen sink will get clogged.

Leftover food from plates will stay in the pipe after being washed down the drain and that amount will over time collect itself into a solid form and, unfortunately for you, cause your kitchen sink to clog.

Knowing that this happens to everyone, people have found various ways to deal with this problem – from just using water to do it, using drain cleaners or plumbing snakes, buying chemical drain cleaners made especially for these situations, to actually calling the plumber!

Men in the house usually don’t like other men coming to their home and fixing things they can fix themselves, and chemical drain cleaners can damage your plumbing pipes. So, let’s talk about how you can unclog a kitchen sink with standing water on your own.

Kitchen Sink Clogged Past Trap: How to Fix It?


Kitchen sinks getting clogged up are a natural occurrence and at some point of time, you will have to Google search on how to fix it (unless you are a plumber or have a friend who happens to be a professional plumber, then lucky you!).

If you see that your sink drains water slower than usual or it doesn’t drain at all, your initial reaction is to “call the guy”, but as a matter of fact, unclogging your drain can be as easy as pie. With a few simple tools, it will be a painless process and you will save money by doing it yourself.

These tips can help you better understand your water pipes and also learn to do something new around the house. You will be thankful to yourself for making your clogged drains work like new again, and then you can treat yourself with a beer and an episode of your favorite TV show!

Usually, pipes get clogged somewhere around the P-trap, which is the pipe in your pipe cabinet that looks somewhat like the letter P. If, however, your blockage is deeper in the system, it will make things a little more difficult for you to reach it. Keep reading and you will find out how to handle even these types of blockages!

How to Get Rid of Garbage Disposal Odor

How to Get Rid of Garbage Disposal Odor

Garbage disposal is the main responsible part to keeping your kitchen clean and smell free.

Cleaning chemicals are used when needed and you can’t really go wrong with using those, so we consider them being a less important part since they need less of your focus and energy than the garbage disposal.

The main point of a garbage disposal machine is to shred food into smaller pieces so that it doesn’t clog the pipes and cause water to overflow. Taking care of this machine will lead to it doing its job for you well.

Anything that isn’t biodegradable shouldn’t be put in it, but people often make this mistake anyway. Your pipe system needs to be able to run smoothly in order for it to have water flowing without any nuisance for you. If it encounters a blockage, you will definitely know by the smell.

Over time, bacteria and leftover food culminate causing for the garbage disposal to emit a certain odor. This will happen eventually so when it does, don’t worry. It’s perfectly normal and we’ll guide you through solving this problem.